Creepy, Yet Beautiful

26 August, 2009
This is the post in which I'm going to try to explain what I think I'm doing here. Over the past few weeks I've been thinking about and exploring an aesthetic I've taken to calling creepy/beautiful. The problem is, I'm having a really hard time expressing to others what, exactly, the creepy/beautiful aesthetic is.

So, the purpose of this blog is to serve as a repository of things I find online and elsewhere that seem to fit my idea of creepy/beautiful.

Hopefully, others will join in with comments, links, and suggestions of things that fit their own idea of what creepy/beautiful is. If not, well at least I'll have a site where I can dump all of my ideas.

Some possible definitions I've gathered so far. Creepy/beautiful:
  • is the soundtrack to that dream that sticks with you all the way through your morning shower.
  • captures the emotions felt when sitting alone at a window in your house in dim lighting, watching a thunderstorm and drinking a glass of wine.
  • is what you listen to on your way home from the dawn.
These are all attempts to describe creepy/beautiful music, but they at least start to get at the emotional content of the aesthetic. I'll post more as I get them or, more likely, come up with them on my own.

(photo: cover art from the Dead Can Dance album, "In the Realm of the Dying Sun.")


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